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Group News Archive

Doctor Galliher!


Matt defends his dissertation on total synthesis of resveratrol oligomers! We wish you continued success in your career!

Farewell Sahil!


Dr. Sahil Arora concludes his postdoctoral research in our group as he moves to Rahway, NJ to start at Merck. Congratulations!

Safe travels, Jeong-Yu!


Dr. Son departs the lab for an exciting opportunity in chemical weapons defense in the Korean army! Be on the lookout for the exciting work he carried out in our group!

Welcome Travis!


1st year student Travis joins the group, so keep your eyes peeled for some total synthesis mastery!

Doctor Collins!

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James defended an incredible thesis and now heads back West to get started at Pfizer in La Jolla. Congratulations James, we wish you all the best!

Bicyclopentane ring opening out in JACS!


Dig up your p-nitrobenzaldehyde! Our method for converting commercially available aminobicyclopentanes to [3.1.1] bicycles is out now. Congratualations to Alex, Taylor and Maddie! Read about it here.

Farewell Dr. McClain!


We bid adieu to Ted, who masterfully delivered a sorely missed in-person thesis defense. We wish you continued success at AbbVie!

James receives prestigious fellowship and industry internship!


Congrats to James for receiving the prestigious NIH F31 fellowship and for landing an internship at Merck this summer in Rahway, NJ! We are so proud of you!

High-throughput photochemical analysis on picomole scale


Congrats to alumna Dr. Alex Sun, Anthony, and to our collaborators in the Kennedy Lab here at Michigan chemistry on this exciting interdisciplinary work! Read more about their work using a
droplet microfluidics reactor for screening photochemistry reactions on picomole scale using ESI-MS, out now in Nature Communications.

Bec publishes coming out story in Science’s Working Life


Congrats to Bec for publishing their inspiring and impactful story of coming out as non-binary to our lab! We are so proud of you!

Archived news


​Dr. Taylor Sodano confidently rounds out the group's 2020 defense season on Zoom with her excellent presentation. Here's to a rewarding career at Janssen! We know you will kill it!

​Dr. Kevin Romero presents the group's first Zoom defense in masterful fashion! We wish you continued success at AbbVie and can't wait to see what you accomplish in your career!

​Congratulations to Dr. Alex Sun on an excellent PhD defense! We appreciate all that you've contributed to the group, and we are excited to see you continue to find innovative chemistry solutions at Merck!


March 2017

Great news from the NSF this month. Rory McAtee and Kevin Romero receive Graduate Research Fellowships and Ted McClain and Taylor Sodano were named as Honorable Mention. Congratulations to all for these excellent honors!

February 2017

Our collaborative project with the Pratt lab has been funded by NIH for the next four years!

January 2017

Taylor wins a travel award sponsored by Eli Lilly and the Women's Chemist Committee of ACS. Come out to see her presentation at the upcoming ACS meeting in San Francisco. Congratulations Taylor!


December 2016

Our biomimetic synthesis of resveratrol tetramers is out in Science! Great collaboration with the Pratt lab at the University of Ottawa to uncover an enabling radical equilibrium. Congratulations to everyone!

November 2016

Daryl was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the American Cancer Society. Congratulations Daryl!

October 2016

Irene's cover art is featured for the Accounts of Chemical Research Special Issue on Photoredox Catalysis in Organic Synthesis!

September 2016

The latest paper as part of our collaboration with Eli Lilly is published in Chem. Congratulations to Joel, James and Rory! Also check out the highlight of this work in C&E News!

Merging photoredox catalysis with high-valent Pd catalysis - check out our recent paper in Organic Letters for lignin oxidation. Congratulations Markus, Irene and Bryan!

August 2016

Our Accounts of Chemical Research article on the development of free radical chemistry using photoredox catalysis is accepted for publication as part of the Special Issue on Photoredox Catalysis in Organic Synthesis. Congratulations Daryl and Irene.

July 2016

A paper that has its origins back to the BU days - reductive free radical formation from unactivated alkyl and aryl bromides is accepted for publication in ACS Catalysis. Congratulations Jim, John and Christina!

June 2016

Exciting times - three papers accepted in recent days!

A microwave-based approach to heterleptic Ir-photocatalyst synthesis was accepted and selected as a Featured Article for the special issue on photocatalysis in the Journal of Organic Chemistry. Congratulations Tim, Alex, Rory and Jim!

mechanistic study on the visible light mediated radical Smiles rearrangement and a mini-review on the applications of photoredox catalysis in the pharmaceutical industry were published in Organic Process Research and Development. Congratulations James and Martin!

Emily Churchill (Truman State) joins the lab as part of the NSF-REU program and Ted McClain (West Virginia University) joins as a summer rotation student - welcome to Ann Arbor, Emily and Ted!

May 2016

The last of the students who started with me at BU, Joel Beatty and Mitch Keylor, successfully defend their theses. Joel will join Arcus Biosciences in July and Mitch will begin a postdoc at Novartis with Kian Tan and Matt Sigman in June. Congratulations to both and thanks for continuing to set a high standard of excellence in the lab!

The group welcomes our new first year graduate students Rory McAtee, Kevin Romero, Taylor Sodano, and Alexandra Sun and visiting scholar Mathilde Rigoulet (Lyon) to the lab.

Tim, Gabe and Leanne's paper on reductive cleavage of C-O, C-N and C-S bonds is accepted for publication as a Feature article in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A - keep an eye out for the cover art from Markus.

Thanks to the NSF! The group's biomass degradation project has been funded by the Division of Chemistry/Chemical Catalysis. Look for the first papers soon!

April 2016

Alexandra and Martin are recipients of 2016 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships - Congratulations!

March 2016

Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Zhu Xu joins the lab after receiving his PhD with Professor Shunsuke Chiba at Nanyang University in Singapore.

Our paper as part of the special issue of Tetrahedron in honor of Neil Garg for his receipt of the Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award is now online. Congratulations Verner, Bryan, Laura and Jagan!

Our review on novel chemotypes jointly with Professor John Porco is now available online in Chemical Reviews as part of a special issue on Organic Photochemistry. Congratulations Markus!

February 2016

Our visible light mediated radical Smiles rearrangement approach to and ORL-1 antagonist was recently highlighted in Synfacts.

Corey joins the editorial advisory board of Chem.

January 2016

Our manuscript on the intermolecular C-H functionalization of arenes with tertiary radicals is accepted for publication in the Special Cluster of articles on modern radical chemistry in Synlett. Congratulations Liz and Theresa!

The group welcomes Winter rotation students Ryan Harding, Rory McAtee and Alexandra Sun.

Congratulations to James Douglas on his new position at AstraZeneca in Macclesfield.


December 2015

Corey is selected as the recipient of the 2015 Pfizer Green Chemistry Award. 

Our review on transition metal mediated approaches to lignin degradation is published in Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. Congratulations Markus, Bryan, Tim and Gabe!

November 2015

Recently departed Stephenson group alum Dr. Bryan Matsuura is awarded a Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship for his studies in Munich. Congratulations Bryan!

September 2015

Our manuscript detailing the development of a visible light mediated Smiles rearrangement with an application to an ORL-1 antagonist is accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie. Congratulations James, Haley and Martin!

Our perspective article on mechanistic aspects of photoredox catalysis is published in Science. Great work Markus and Bryan!

The group welcomes several new members. Dr. Irene Bosque-Martinez joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow from Alicante, Spain. Three new rotation students have joined (Christopher McAtee, Kevin Romero and Taylor Sodano). Visiting scholar Yurie Todano joins the lab for a six month stay from Japan.

Corey is promoted to full Professor.

August 2015

Bryan defends his thesis and becomes the 5th PhD from the Stephenson lab. He's now off for postdoctoral studies with Prof. Dirk Trauner in Munich. Congratulations Bryan!

Oliver Fischer joins the group as a DAAD Rise summer researcher from Erlangen, Germany.

July 2015

Our photocatalytic approach to radical trifluoromethylation using trifluoroacetic anhydride is accepted for publication in Nature Communications. Congratulations Joel and James!

June 2015

The Schindler and Stephenson groups host high school students as part of the Michigan Math Science Scholars program for two weeks of Catalysis, Solar Energy and Green Chemical Synthesis.

Dr. James Devery leaves the group to start his new position as an Assistant Professor at Loyola University in Chicago. Good luck Jim!

The Stephenson group welcomes several new members - Incoming first year graduate students Rory McAtee (Lycoming) and Alexandra Sun (Brandeis); Visiting scholars Maria Frias (Madrid) and Mariia Kirillova (ICIQ); and postdoctoral fellow Daryl Staveness (Stanford - Wender).

May 2015

Our biomimetic synthesis of quadrangularin A and pallidol published recently in Angewandte Chemie was highlighted in Synfacts.

The Stephenson group welcomes our newest additions - First year graduate students Gabe Magallanes, Martin Sevrin and Theresa Williams and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Verner Lofstrand (PhD with Fred West at the University of Alberta)

April 2015

Our Accounts of Chemical Research article on amine oxidation using photoredox catalysis was accepted for publication in the special issue on Synthesis, Design and Molecular Function. Congratulations Joel!

Our postdoc, Dr. Elizabeth Swift, departs the lab to begin her exciting new position as a Senior Scientist in Process Chemistry and Catalysis at AbbVie. Congratulations Liz!

Our recent syntheses of resveratrol dimers pallidol and quadrangularin A and investigation of their antioxidant activities in Angewandte Chemie was recently highlighted in Nature Chemistry.

Rotators Haley Albright and Theresa Williams are recipients of a 2015 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Congratulations Haley and Theresa!

March 2015

Jim Devery accepts a position at the Univeresity of Loyola-Chicago as an Assistant Professor beginning in July 2015 - Congratulations Jim!
Find out more here!

Our recent J. Org. Chem article on a-amino radical chemistry in collaboration with Eli Lilly has been highlighted in Organic Process Research and Development. Congratulations James!

Jim Devery publishes a News and Views article highlighting a recent Nature paper from the MacMillan group.

February 2015

Our review article on the Chemistry and Biology of Resveratrol derived natural products is accepted for publication in the Frontiers in Organic Synthesis Special Issue of Chemical Reviews. Congratulations Bryan and Mitch!

January 2015

Our recent publication on the synthesis of quadrangularin A and pallidol was selected as a Hot Paper by the editors of Angewandte Chemie. Congratulations Bryan and Mitch!

The Stephenson group welcomes our Winter rotators - Haley Albright, Martin Sevrin, Rebecca Watson and Theresa Williams - and undergraduate researcher, Mairen O'Shea!


December 2014

Our paper publication outlining our collaboration with the group of Professor Derek Pratt (Univeresity of Ottawa) is accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie. The paper outlines a scalable biomimetic synthesis of resveratrol dimers quadrangularin A and pallidol along with a systematic study of their antioxidant activities. Congratulations Bryan and Mitch!

November 2014

Our paper in collaboration with Eli Lilly (Kevin Cole) describing the utility of photoredox catalysis toward the preparation of Lilly's JAK2 inhibitor LY2784544 is accepted for publication in the Journal of Organic Chemistry. Congratulations James!

October 2014

Our collaborative paper (Kevin Cole, Eli Lilly and Bob Flowers, Lehigh) detailing ligand functionalization and subsequent catalyst deactivation of Ir(ppy)3 is accepted for publication in Chemical Science. Congratulations Jim, James and John!

Bryan wins second prize for his poster at the Frontiers in Biorefining Conference.

September 2014

The Stephenson group welcomes Jacob Ludwig, Gabe Magallanes, Martin Sevrin and Theresa Williams to the group for Fall rotations.

August 2014

John defends his thesis and departs for a postdoctoral position in the Buchwald lab. Congratulations Dr. Nguyen!

Joel's paper has been selected as a JACS spotlight article.

July 2014

Joel's paper describing our efforts in alkaloid natural product synthesis using photoredox catalysis in flow is accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Congratulations Joel!

Gabe Magallanes (Purdue) joins the group for a summer rotation. Welcome to Ann Arbor!

June 2014

Incoming graduate students Alex Golonka (Wayne St) and Katarina Makaravage (Appalacian St) join the group for summer rotations. Welcome to Ann Arbor!

Visiting scholars Lara Cala (University of Oviedo, Spain) and Lidia Clot (ICIQ, Spain) for summer research. Welcome to Ann Arbor Lara and Lidia!

The group moves into our newly renovated labs on the 3rd floor!

May 2014

The group welcomes visiting scholar Fabio Julia Hernandez (University of Murcia, Spain) and NSF-REU student Rory McAtee (Lycoming College) for summer research!

March 2014

Corey is selected to receive the 2014 EROS Best Reagent Award for the reagent [Ru(bpy)3]2+. The e-EROS article on the reagant can be found here.

February 2014

Our paper on a photocatalytic thiol ene reaction and its application toward the synthesis of thiomorpholinones is accepated for publication in the special issue of Tetrahedron in honor of Tetrahedron Young Investigator Sarah Reisman. Congratulations Mitch, James and Calle.

Photocatalysts available from Sigma-Aldrich for those interested - you can find them here and here.

January 2014

The group welcomes Chang Lee, Nick Miller and Tim Monos to the group for Winter rotations.

Our communication detailing our strategy toward the degradation of lignin using visible light photoredox catalysis is accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Congratulations John and Bryan!

Zac and John's review on the development of photoredox catalysis in flow has been accepted for a special issue of the Israel Journal of Chemistry on "Flow Chemistry Concepts & Applications". Congratulations!

Our newest postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Markus Karkas, joins the lab as a Swedish Research Council postdoctoral fellow from the group of Bjorn Akermark (Stockholm University). Welcome to Ann Arbor Markus!


December 2013

Our perspective article on Catalytic domino radical reactions is accepted for publication in ACS Catalysis as part of a virtual special issue on Cascade Catalysis. Congratulations Leanne and Jim!

Some photos from the group holiday party are here.

November 2013

John is the recipient of a Rackham dissertation fellowship. Congratulations John!

October 2013

Our paper on the photochemical generation of molecular complexity using dienone-photorearrangement-cycloaddition reactions is accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Congratulations to Pieter and Mitchell!

Joint group outing with the Schindler group to the Big House for the homecoming football game vs Minnesota. 

September 2013

The Stephenson group welcomes rotators Paul Riehl and Kendra Souther to the group.

Two new postdoctoral fellows joined the group - Dr. Elizabeth Swift (PhD @ UC-Irvine with Prof. Liz Jarvo) and Dr. Milena Czyz (PhD @ University of New South Wales with Prof. Jonathan Morris). Welcome Liz and Milena!

August 2013

Our manuscript detailing the group's collaboration with the Jacobsen group to merge photoredox catalysis with anion binding catalysis has been accepted for publication in Chemical Science.

The group's UM website goes live.

July 2013

The group welcomes summer rotation students Tim Monos and Danielle Singleton and first year UM graduate Zac Garlets to the group.

The Stephenson group relocates to Ann Arbor joining the Chemistry department at the University of Michigan. Jim and Leanne lead the advanced group to setup the lab in Ann Arbor.

June 2013

Bryan, Corey, James, Joel, John, Leanne travel to Vancouver for the 6th Pacific Symposium on Radical Chemistry and then on to the National Organic Symposium. Some of the pictures from Vancouver and Seattle are here.

Christina becomes the newest PhD from the Stephenson group and will continue her studies as a postdoctoral fellow with Professor Tim Jamison at MIT. Congratulations Dr. Dai.

May 2013

See photos from Joe and Laura's hooding ceremony.

Corey is selected as a recipient of the 2013 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar award. Thanks to the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation for their generous support and congratulations to the other awardees.

Corey is granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor.

March 2013

The group welcomes our newest postodoctoral fellow, Dr. James Devery, a recent graduate from the Flowers lab at Lehigh University.

Congratulations to Joel and Mitch for passing their qualifying exams!

February 2013

Calle leaves the group to start a position at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. The group bid him farewell at a lunch in his honor at one of his favorite places, Sweet Cheeks BBQ.

The group recently took a day trip for a group outing to visit Sunday River Ski Resort in Maine.

Laura Furst defends her thesis. Laura will be undertaking postdoctoral studies with Professor Andy Phillips at Yale University. Congratulations Dr. Furst. 

January 2013

Some selected photos from our group holiday party at the Salty Pig can be found here.


December 2012

Dr. James Douglas (PhD with Andrew Smith at St. Andrews University) joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome to Boston, James.

Corey has been selected as one of this year’s Eli Lilly Grantees. Thanks to Lilly for their generous support, and congratulations to the other awardees!

Corey is a recipient of the Novartis Early Career Award in Organic Chemistry. Thank you to Novartis for their generous support and congratulations to Professor Sarah Reisman for her selection.

November 2012

John, Barbara and Christina's paper on our batch to flow processing for the deoxyganation of primary and secondary alcohols is accepted for publication in Chemical Communications and will appear in a special issue for young investigators. Congratulations!

October 2012

John, Erica and Jagan's paper on visible light mediated free radical chemistry on unactivated alkyl, alkenyl and aryl iodides is published in the October issue of Nature Chemistry.

Colleen and James are recipients of a UROP award from Boston University. Congratulations!

September 2012

Bryan is awarded the 2012-2013 Vertex Scholar Fellowship. Congratulations Bryan!

John is awarded an ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Graduate Fellowship for 2012/2013 sponsored by Amgen. Congratulations John and thank you to ACS DOC and Amgen for their generous support.

Christina is the recipient of the Sugata Ray Memorial Award for International Students from the Department of Chemistry. This award recognizes an international graduate student who excels in his or her graduate studies. Congratulations Christina!

First year graduate student Leanne Sebren joins the group.

August 2012

Erica and John are awarded travel awards from the American Chemical Society Division of Organic Chemistry to attend the Fall ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia. The group will be well represented with talks from Bryan (ORGN 50) and John (ORGN 688), and posters from Erica (ORGN 599), James (ORGN 319), Joel (ORGN-854) and Mitch (ORGN 834). 

Corey is invited to join the Advisory board for the Royal Society of Chemistry journal, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry.

July 2012

John, Erica and Jagan's paper detailing our efforts to generalize the use of photoredox catalysis for the generation of organic free radicals has been accepted for publication in Nature Chemistry. Congratulations John, Erica and Jagan!

Incoming first year graduate Long Nguyen joins the group for summer research.

June 2012

The first PhD thesis defense from the Stephenson group. Joe Tucker defended his thesis June 27th. Some pictures from the party can be found here. Joe will be moving on to a position at Pfizer in Groton, CT. Congratulations Dr. Tucker.

High school students Sara Johnson and Jasmina Prabhakara join the group for a six week summer internship.

Visiting scholars Romain Carlino and Barbara Reiss (DAAD Rise-Worldwide program) join the group for summer research.

Undergraduate students Austin Su and Gina Tong join the group for summer research.

May 2012

Erica is awarded the Senior Mason award and James the Junior Mason award from the chemistry department. Erica also won the award for the best research presentation at the departmental undergraduate research symposium. Congratulations Erica and James!

Our paper in Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry was highlighted as a Hot Article.

Calle and John's account describing the development of visible light mediated free radical chemistry in our group will be published in an upcoming special issue of Chimia for the 11th International Symposium on Organic Free Radicals in Berne, Switzerland.

Colleen Gill will be joining the group for summer research as a Clare Booth Luce scholar. Congratulations Colleen.

James is the recipient of a UROP award from Boston University. Congratulations James.

April 2012

Calle, John and Peter's article on visible light mediated atom transfer radical addition chemistry is accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Congratulations.

Our paper for the special web issue on Organocatalysis for ChemComm/OBC was accepted for publication in Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. Congratulations Marlena and Christina.

March 2012

Christina, Francesco and Jagan's paper on oxidative Friedel-Crafts chemistry is accepted for publication as a note in the Journal of Organic Chemistry. Congratulations.

Our recently published article on photoredox catalysis in flow was selected as a Hot Paper by the editors of Angewandte Chemie.

The Stephenson group welcomes visiting graduate students Giulia Bergonzini and Antoine Petrelli to the group. Giulia comes to us from the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (adviser: Paolo Melchiorre) in Tarragona, Spain and Antoine from the University of Lyon, France. 

February 2012

Joe's paper describing our collaboration with the Jamison group at MIT on increasing efficiency in photoredox catalysis using continuous flow is accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie. Congratulations Joe and Yuan (Jamison group)! See photos of the reactor setup here and a video here.

January 2012

Joe's synopsis on the theory and synthetic applications of photoredox catalysis is accepted for publication in the Journal of Organic Chemistry. Congratulations Joe.

John is awarded a graduate fellowship from AstraZeneca. Congratulations John!

Erica and James are recipients of a UROP award from Boston University. Congratulations Erica and James.


December 2011

Our paper on the anaerobic oxidation of tertiary amines using visible light photoredox catalysis is accepted for publication in Organic Letters. Congratulations to Dave, Laura and Allison!

Laura and Jagan's gliocladin synthesis was highlighted in Synfacts.

November 2011

Our Chemical Society Reviews tutorial review is their most cited review from 2011

Our paper on high valent palladium mediated C-H functionalization and dearomatization of Wacker intermediates is accepted for publication in Organic Letters. Congratulations to Bryan, Allison, Ryan and Greg!

October 2011

Erica and James are recipients of a UROP award from Boston University. Congratulations Erica and James.

September 2011

Joe is the recipient of the Lichtin Award for Excellence in Research from the Department of Chemistry. Congratulations Joe!

Joe's paper detailing a tandem visible light mediated radical cyclization divinylcyclopropane rearrangement is accepted for 
publication in Organic Letters. Congratulations Joe.

Laura and Jagan's synthesis of gliocladin C is highlighted in the Totally Synthetic column of Chemistry World.

August 2011

Dr. Ramesh Rasappan joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome to Boston, Ramesh.

The site has been updated to include pictures from our recent group outing to Cape Cod (Provincetown) and outreach with the Upward Bound Math Science Program at BU.

Laura's News and Views piece on the recently published "Collective total synthesis" of indole alkaloids by the MacMillan group is published in Nature Chemical Biology.

Joe is awarded an ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Graduate Fellowship for 2011/2012 sponsored by Amgen. Congratulations Joe and thank you to ACS DOC and Amgen for their generous support.

July 2011

Incoming first year graduate students Mitch Keylor and DAAD-Rise Worldwide student Peter Finkbeiner join the group for summer research.

June 2011

Laura and Jagan's paper describing a 10-step synthesis of the bisindole alkaloid gliocladin C using a visible light mediated radical cross-coupling reaction is accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie. Congratulations Laura and Jagan.

Visiting student Jerome Gaborit (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand) arrives and joins the group for a summer research internship.

Undergraduate student James Park (BU 2013) joins the group for summer research.

May 2011

Congratulations to Erica for winning the Junior Mason award from the BU chemistry department.

April 2011

Corey has been selected as a recipient of a 2011 Amgen Young Investigator Award. Thanks to Amgen for their generous support and congratulations to the other awardees.

March 2011

Erica has been accepted to participate in the Amgen Scholars undergraduate summer research program at UC-Berkeley this summer. Congratulations Erica!

Our paper on the catalytic oxidation of electron rich arenes mediated by visible light photocatalysis has been accepted for publication in Chemical Communications. Congratulations Joe, Jagan and Pinkey!

Corey has been invited to speak at the Young Academic Investigators Symposium at the Denver ACS meeting in August.

Dr. Carl-Johan Wallentin joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Carl-Johan is supported by a fellowship from the Swedish Research Council. Welcome to Boston, Calle.

February 2011

Corey has been selected as a 2011 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow. Thanks to the Sloan Foundation for their generous support and congratulations to the other awardees.

Our paper on intermolecular atom transfer radical addition to olefins is accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Congratulations John, Joe and Marlena!

The group has earned an NSF-CAREER award for the development of green chemical methodology mediated by visible light sensitization.

The group welcomes our newest group member, Dr. David Freeman from the Wood group (Colorado State). 

January 2011

Erica and Sung are awarded UROP awards from Boston University for the spring semester. Congratulations.

Our Nature Chemistry paper on visible light mediated carbon-oxygen bond activation is highlighted in Chemistry World and TCE Today.


December 2010

Christina is awarded a graduate fellowship from AstraZeneca. Congratulations Christina!

November 2010

The group receives funding from the NIH (NIGMS) for alkaloid total synthesis using photoredox catalysis.

Christina and Jagan's paper on the photocatalytic conversion of alcohols to halides is accepted for publication in Nature Chemistry. Congratulations Christina and Jagan!

October 2010

Corey is the recipient of the 2010 Boehringer Ingelheim New Investigator Award. Thanks to BI for their generous support.

September 2010

Greg is awarded a UROP award for the fall semester. Congratulations Greg.

Erica D'Amato (BU 2012) joins the group as an undergraduate researcher.

August 2010

Joe is awarded a Travel award from the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry to attend the National Organic Symposium at Princeton University next summer.

Members of the group will be giving presentations at the upcoming ACS meeting in Boston.
Sunday - Bryan (ORGN 237, Hall C, 8-10 pm)
Monday - Corey's talk at the Elsevier Chemistry Connect event (Rm 252A, 12:30-3:30 pm); Jagan (ORGN 403, Rm 204A, 1:20 pm)
Wednesday - Corey (ORGN 782, Rm 206A, 8:40 am); Laura (ORGN 798, Rm 203, 9:40 am); Joe (ORGN 897, Rm 204B, 1:20 pm); Bryan (ORGN 899, Rm 204B, 2:00 pm); Christina (ORGN 900, Rm 204B, 2:20 pm); John (ORGN 1065, Ballroom, 7-10 pm).

Group BBQ on Georges island, touring the fort and fending off seagulls and Canadian geese. The group pictures link is now active.

Joe is awarded the inaugural Vertex Scholar Award. Congratulations Joe!

July 2010

Incoming 1st year student Marlena Koneczynska joins the group for summer research.

June 2010

Christina's paper on the total synthesis of the proteasome inhibitor syringolin A is accepted for publication in Organic Letters and was one of the most read papers in July. Congratulations Christina.

Dylan Bleier (BU High School Honors Program) and Sung Hun Park (BU 2011) join the group.

Pawel Kalinowski (BU 2012) joins the group for summer research.


Our paper describing the intermolecular coupling of malonates with electron rich arenes is accepted for publication in Organic Letters. Congratulations to Laura, Bryan, Jagan and Joe.

Our paper further expanding upon the utility of photoredox catalysis is accepted for publication in Chemical Communications. Congraulations to Joe, John, Jagan and Scott.

Jagan's invited review on the applications of photoredox catalysis in organic synthesis is accepted for publication in Chemical Society Reviews. Congratulations Jagan.

April 2010

Greg and Pinkey are awarded summer UROP fellowships from Boston University. Congratulations Greg and Pinkey.

March 2010

Former NSF-REU student Scott Krabbe receives a travel award to present his research on radical reactions using photoredox catalysis at the spring ACS meeting in San Francisco.

January 2010

Greg Karahalis (BU 2011) joins the group to conduct undergraduate research.

Allison and José-Carlos' paper on the oxidative aza-Henry reaction using photoredox catalysis is accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Congratulations to Allison and José-Carlos.

The first group paper in collaboration with the CMLD-BU on multi-component reaction discovery is accepted for publication in Organic Letters. Congratulations to Bo and Srinivas.


December 2009

Our second paper in the area of photoredox catalysis is accepted for publication in Organic Letters detailing the efforts of Joe, Jagan and our summer NSF-REU student, Scott, towards radical-mediated indole functionalization. Congratulations to Joe, Jagan and Scott!

November 2009

Laura is awarded the Novartis Graduate Fellowship for 2009/2010. Congratulations Laura!

October 2009

Ryan Buff (BU 2010) and Pinkey Shah (BU 2011) join the group.

September 2009

Joe is the recipient of the Feldman Award from the Department of Chemistry. The Feldman Award recognizes outstanding accomplishments in research, teaching or service. Congratulations Joe!

Doug Hidlay (BU 2010) joins the group and is the recipient of UROP award from Boston University.

July 2009

Incoming 1st year students Bryan Matsuura and John Nguyen join the group and begin working in the lab.

June 2009

Mike accepts a position at AstraZeneca in Waltham, MA. Congratulations Mike.

Corey, Joe, Jose, Laura Paul and Stefan travel to Boulder, Colorado for the National Organic Symposium. The group presents four posters on research in the group.

The first paper from the group is published in the Journal of te American Chemical Society. Congratulations to Jagan and Joe. This paper was highlighted in C&E News and was one of the most read articles in June 2009.

Visiting scientists Francesco Meschini and Dr. José-Carlos González-Gómez, Scott Krabbe (NSF-REU) and Victor Chen (BU High School Honors Program) arrive for summer research.

May 2009

Visiting scientist Stefan Diethelm (Carreira groupETH-Zürich) arrives for the summer.

January 2009

Ankita and Bryan are recipients of a UROP award from Boston University. Congratulations Ankita and Bryan.

Corey is the recipient of a 2009 Thieme Synlett/Synthesis Journal Award.


October 2008

Allison Condie and Joseph Tucker join the group to being their PhD studies. Welcome Allison and Joe.

June 2008

The group is awarded a Petroleum Research Fund Type G Grant from the American Chemical Society.

May 2008

Bryan is awarded a summer UROP fellowship from Boston University. Congratulations Bryan.

The group welcomes Dr. Jagan Narayanam from the Vasella group (ETH-Zürich). Dr. Narayanam is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation.


November 2007

1st year students Chunhui Dai and Laura Furst join the group.

October 2007

1st year students Mike Shinall and Ian McBee join the group.

September 2007

Bryan Matsuura joins the group as an undergraduate researcher.

Corey arrives in Boston.

August 2007

Paul Fink becomes the first graduate student in the Stephenson group, beginning working a month before his adviser!

Professor Corey Stephenson
Departments of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

University of British Columbia

Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1 

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